All Classes and Interfaces

Class to represent an ASN.1 Module
AST Node for ASN.1 parsing.
Class to construct AST for ASN.1 Specifications
Enumeration to manage Productions known to the AstParser
Wrapper class for all ASN.1 values.
This class represents a basic provider that can be extended by other classes to implement providers.
Class to represent an ASN.1 BitString
Class to manage an BMP (Basic Multilingual Plan) String
ASN.1 Boolean value
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Factory class to generate Java code stubs from Cim Class definitions
Class to represent a CIM Class definition.
Class to implement the client side interface for a Cim Server.
Class to represent a CIM Enumeration.
Interface describing a Cim Event
Interface implemented by all CimEvent generators
Enumeration describing CIM Event types
A CimFilter is a query on the properties of some structure value
Enumeration to define known CIM Intrinsic Methods used by the server and the client.
Base class to implement Cim Events.
Class to represent a CIM Instance.
Class to represent a CIM Interface.
Interface defining a CIM Listener.
Class to represent a CIM Method.
Class to represent a CIM method parameter.
Class to represent a CIM Property.
Class to implement a query for elements in a repository
Class to create a CimServer.
Class to model a CIM CimStructure.
Http CIM Extension Headers known to the server.
Global constants used in the meta-model classes
This enum contains all known CIM data types, as well as commonly used methods for manipulating them
This class encapsulates all CIM data values
Class to represent a CIM Datetime (Time stamps and intervals)
Enumeration containing Type definitions for CIM elements
Utility class to manage message encryption and signing
Class to manage an Enumerated Value
Class to represent an Enumeration Value.
Reason for throwing a CIM Exception.
Annotation used for mapping java to CIM.
Create a CimFilter based on DMTF FQL specification.
Class to represent a Generalized Time Value
Class to represent a Cim server configuration
Predefined Http Headers.
Class to manage known HTTP Methods.
Enumeration to manage HTTP status values
Class to manage an IA5 (ASCII) String
In-memory repository supporting multiple namespaces, but no persistence
Simple in-memory cache for model objects.
ASN.1 Integer value (<64 bits)
Tool to introspect java classes and create CIM definitions
Utility methods to map data structures between java and CIM classes.
Class to hold a large (>64 bit) Integer
The Main (dispatcher) entry point for all Fusion tools
This program is the main entry point for all tools and provides a command line interface that dispatches the request to the different.
Known MIME types to the Server
Class to declare CIM Exceptions
This class contains a number of static methods used in the metamodel package
Recursive descent parser implementing CIM Version 3 Metamodel as described in DSP0004 and DSP0221
Base class for all CIM Elements that reside in a namespace.
Class to represent a CIM namespace path.
Class to hold a NO-OP ([UNIVERSAL 0](Primitive) value
ASN.1 Null value
Class to manage a Numeric String
Class to represent a CIM ObjectPath.
Class to represent a CIM OctetString An octetString is a wrapper around a byte array
Class to wrap an ASN.1 Octet String
Class to represent an OID value
This interface is implemented by all CIM parsers
Class to implement a persistent repository that supports multiple name spaces
Enumeration defining qualifier policies
Class to manage a printable String
Interface to define a CIM Provider.
CIM Elements that can have qualifiers and (optionally) superTypes
Element to represent a CIM Qualifier.
Element to represent a Qualifier Type
Wrapper class for ASN.1 real values
Class to pack a relative OID
Interface implemented by all repository classes
Scope of CIM Qualifiers.
Class to wrap an ASN1 Sequence value
Class to manage a set of value
Standard CIM Qualifier Types defined in the meta model.
Class to represent CimStructure values.
Class to manage a symbol
Class to manage a symbol table
Enumeration to handle ASN.1 Tags
Enumeration to handle Tag Classes
Class to represent a tag context for context sensitive tags
A tag context defines the <tagNumber,tag> mapping for context sensitive tags used for encoding or decoding BER when IMPLICIT or AUTO tag definitions are being used.
Enumeration to handle Tag Encoding Flag
Class to manage a tagged value
Class to represent a lexical token
Class to break input into tokens
Reserved keywords known in ASN.1 Rec.
Class to represent an unsigned 16-bit integer
Class to represent an unsigned 32-bit integer
The UnsignedInt64 class represents an unsigned 64-bit number
Class to represent an unsigned 8-bit integer
Class to represent a UTC Time String
Class to manage a UTF-8 String This non-normative example demonstrates using SmtpUTF8Mailbox as an otherName in GeneralName to encode the email address "".
Class to wrap an ASN.1 Visible String