Interface Provider

All Superinterfaces:
CimEventGenerator, Repository
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicProvider, CimClient

public interface Provider extends Repository, CimEventGenerator
Interface to define a CIM Provider. A Provider implements methods to get and set properties, invoke methods and execute queries on objects held within it.
Sharad Singhal
  • Method Details

    • registerChildProvider

      void registerChildProvider(Provider child)
      Register a child provider with this provider. This enables this provider to dispatch queries to the child provider and and delegate selected queries to the child provider.
      child - - child provider to be registered with this provider
    • unregisterChildProvider

      void unregisterChildProvider(Provider child)
      Unregister a child provider. This disconnects the child from this provider
      child - - child provider to be unregistered
    • getPropertyNames

      List<String> getPropertyNames(ObjectPath path)
      Get the property names for a given named element. In case the objectPath is an enumeration, the key names are returned
      path - - object path for the CIM element from which property names are desired
      - list containing names of the properties. Empty if none defined
    • getPropertyType

      DataType getPropertyType(ObjectPath path, String propertyName)
      Get the data type corresponding to a particular property (or enumeration key)
      path - - object path of the CIM element from which the property is selected
      propertyName - - name of the property or key
      - DataType of the corresponding property or key
    • getPropertyValue

      DataValue getPropertyValue(ObjectPath path, String propertyName)
      Get a property value from this provider, or one of its children.
      path - - object path of the CIM Element from which the property is being read
      propertyName - - case insensitive name of the property being read
      - data value containing the property or key value
    • setPropertyValue

      void setPropertyValue(ObjectPath path, String propertyName, DataValue propertyValue)
      Set a property value within this provider, or one of its children
      path - - object path of the CIM Element in which the property is being set. Note that only Classes and Instances have settable properties
      propertyName - - case insensitive name of the property being set
      propertyValue - - value of the property being set
    • getMethodNames

      List<String> getMethodNames(ObjectPath path)
      Get the method names defined in a given CIM class
      path - - object path for the CIM class from which method names are desired
      - list containing method names. Empty if no methods are defined.
    • getMethodReturnType

      DataType getMethodReturnType(ObjectPath path, String methodName)
      Get the return type associated with a method
      path - - object path for the CIM class from which the method is selected
      methodName - - name of the method
      - data type associated with the method. Null if no such method exists
    • getMethodParameters

      List<CimParameter> getMethodParameters(ObjectPath path, String methodName)
      Get the parameter list associated with a method
      path - - object path of the CIM class from which the method is desired
      methodName - - name of the method desired
      - list of parameters. Empty if the method does not take parameters.
    • invokeMethod

      DataValue invokeMethod(ObjectPath path, String methodName, List<CimParameter> methodParameters)
      Invoke an extrinsic method on a class or instance within this provider, or one of its children
      path - - object path of the CIM element on which the method is being invoked
      methodName - - case insensitive name of the method being invoked
      methodParameters - - list of parameters to be passed to the method
      - value returned from the method invocation
    • executeQuery

      List<StructureValue> executeQuery(String query)
      Execute a query against this provider, and return the result set
      query - - query to be executed
      - set of results
    • getRepository

      Repository getRepository()
      Get the underlying repository for this provider
      - reference to the underlying repository
    • getURL

      URL getURL()
      Get the URL for this provider
      - URL where this provider can be reached. Null if the provider is not network accessible