Interface Parser

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Parser
This interface is implemented by all CIM parsers
Sharad Singhal
  • Method Details

    • parse

      void parse(String fileName, NameSpacePath path)
      Parse the specification given in a file into the parser repository
      fileName - - name of the file to be parsed
      path - - optional namespace. If non-null, the parser will initialize to the given path before parsing the file
    • parse

      void parse(BufferedReader input, NameSpacePath path)
      Parse the specification given in a buffered stream into the parser repository
      input - - input reader
      path - - optional name space. if non-null, the parser will initialize to the name space before parsing the input
    • parse

      void parse(InputStream input, NameSpacePath path)
      Parse the specification given in an inputstream into the parser repository
      input - - input stream
      path - - optional name space. if non-null, the parser will initialize to the name space before parsing the input
    • getRepository

      Repository getRepository()
      Get the repository being used by the parser
      - repository being used by the parser
    • parseValue

      StructureValue parseValue(String indication, NameSpacePath path)
      Parse a structure value from an incoming indication
      indication - - value of the indication
      path - - optional name space. if non-null, the parser will initialize to the name space before parsing the input
      - incoming structure value; null if none found