Package net.aifusion.metamodel

package net.aifusion.metamodel
This package contains the basic implementation classes needed for the CIM metamodel, as well as a MOF parser. It also contains a number of CIM repository implementations.
  • Primary Java classes corresponding to CIM elements
    • CimQualifierType - Defines a qualifier type. Standard qualifier types are "built-in" and do not need to be separately defined
    • CimQualifier - defines qualifiers on individual CIM elements
    • CimEnumeration - defines enumerations (a type containing integer or string enumerated values)
    • CimStructure - defines a CIM structure (a type containing only properties)
    • StructureValue - defines a CIM Structure value (instantiates values for a CIM Structure)
    • CimClass - defines a CIM class (a type containing both properties and methods
    • CimInstance - represents a CIM instance. Instantiates a CIM class
    • CimInterface - represents a CIM interface. Interfaces are an extension to the standard metamodel
  • Metamodel Elements used within the primary classes
    • CimProperty - defines a CIM property
    • CimMethod - defines CIM Methods
    • CimParameter - defines method parameter
  • Other metamodel items
    • Policy (Enum) - Cim Qualifier propagation policies
    • CimScope (Enum) - Cim Qualifier scopes
    • CimElementType (Enum) - Cim element types
  • Other elements used as base classes
    • CimQualifedElement - base class representing a qualified element (class, instance, property, method, parameter)
    • CimNamedElement - base class representing all CIM named elements
    • CimElement - base class that represents all CIM elements
    • NameSpacePath - class representing a CIM namespace
  • CIM data types
    • CimDataType (Enum) - known CIM data types
  • CIM data values (not mapped to standard java values)
    • DataValue - encapsulating class for all CIM data value types
    • DateTime - CIM dateTime values
    • UInt8 - CIM UINT8 values
    • UInt16 - CIM UINT16 values
    • UInt32 - CIM UINT32 values
    • UInt64 - CIM UINT64 values
    • OctetString - CIM byte array values
    • ObjectPath - class representing a CIM object name (reference)
  • Exceptions
    • ModelException - RuntimeException used by the implementation
    • ExceptionReason - Reason for Exception (used by ModelException)
  • Miscellaneous
    • StandardQualifierTypes - provides static methods to initialize the repository with known Qualifiers (DSP0004, Cim Version 3.0) as well as extensions to declare that a class implements the methods, properties, and references declared in the corresponding interface class.
  • CIM Repositories
    • Repository - interface implemented by all repositories
    • InMemoryRepository - a lightweight in-memory repository for named elements. Supports a single namespace, and no persistence
    • InMemoryCache - an in-memory repository that supports namespaces
    • BufferedCache - an in-memory repository with a backing store. Used for parsing CIM messages.
    • PersistentCache - a file-system based persistent repository. Supports namespaces and persistence
    • CimFilter - CQL filter used to select StructureValues and CimInstances from a repository
  • MOF Parsers
    • Parser - interface implemented by all parsers
    • MOFParser - Recursive descent MOF parser
  • The implementation supports a rudimentary event system supported by the following classes:
    • CimEvent - interface defining a CIM Event
    • CimEventType - interface defining a Cim Event type
    • CimEventGenerator - interface implemented by elements that can generate events
    • CimListener - interface implemented by elements that can receive events
    • CimIndication - represents a CIM Indication (an event instance)
  • Language bindings to Java
    • Export - annotations used in java to map to CIM elements
    • JavaModelMapper - Helper class to map java to CIM
  • Class
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    Class to represent a CIM Class definition.
    Class to represent a CIM Enumeration.
    Interface describing a Cim Event
    Interface implemented by all CimEvent generators
    Enumeration describing CIM Event types
    A CimFilter is a query on the properties of some structure value
    Base class to implement Cim Events.
    Class to represent a CIM Instance.
    Class to represent a CIM Interface.
    Interface defining a CIM Listener.
    Class to represent a CIM Method.
    Class to represent a CIM method parameter.
    Class to represent a CIM Property.
    Class to model a CIM CimStructure.
    Global constants used in the meta-model classes
    This enum contains all known CIM data types, as well as commonly used methods for manipulating them
    This class encapsulates all CIM data values
    Class to represent a CIM Datetime (Time stamps and intervals)
    Enumeration containing Type definitions for CIM elements
    Class to represent an Enumeration Value.
    Reason for throwing a CIM Exception.
    Annotation used for mapping java to CIM.
    Create a CimFilter based on DMTF FQL specification.
    In-memory repository supporting multiple namespaces, but no persistence
    Simple in-memory cache for model objects.
    Utility methods to map data structures between java and CIM classes.
    Class to declare CIM Exceptions
    This class contains a number of static methods used in the metamodel package
    Recursive descent parser implementing CIM Version 3 Metamodel as described in DSP0004 and DSP0221
    Base class for all CIM Elements that reside in a namespace.
    Class to represent a CIM namespace path.
    Class to represent a CIM ObjectPath.
    Class to represent a CIM OctetString An octetString is a wrapper around a byte array
    This interface is implemented by all CIM parsers
    Class to implement a persistent repository that supports multiple name spaces
    Enumeration defining qualifier policies
    CIM Elements that can have qualifiers and (optionally) superTypes
    Element to represent a CIM Qualifier.
    Element to represent a Qualifier Type
    Interface implemented by all repository classes
    Scope of CIM Qualifiers.
    Standard CIM Qualifier Types defined in the meta model.
    Class to represent CimStructure values.
    Class to represent an unsigned 16-bit integer
    Class to represent an unsigned 32-bit integer
    The UnsignedInt64 class represents an unsigned 64-bit number
    Class to represent an unsigned 8-bit integer