Package net.aifusion.cimserver

package net.aifusion.cimserver
This package contains an implementation of a CIM Client and CIM Server based on a lightweight HTTP server.

Note that unlike CIM Operations over HTTP (DSP0200), the server uses MOF and text files directly over HTTP to avoid a second layer of translation to XML.

All underlying data is saved in MOF form by the server using a Repository. The CIM Client presents a Provider interface to the application, and communicates to the server over HTTP to retrieve information from the server-side repository.

The server is configured using HttpConfiguration that is also stored in MOF format by the server. Both the CIM server and the HTTPConfiguration classes can be used from the command line (they have main() methods) to manage the server and its configuration, respectively.

  • Class
    Class to implement the client side interface for a Cim Server.
    Enumeration to define known CIM Intrinsic Methods used by the server and the client.
    Class to create a CimServer.
    Http CIM Extension Headers known to the server.
    Class to represent a Cim server configuration
    Predefined Http Headers.
    Class to manage known HTTP Methods.
    Enumeration to manage HTTP status values
    Known MIME types to the Server