Package net.aifusion.asn

package net.aifusion.asn
  • Class
    Class to represent an ASN.1 Module
    AST Node for ASN.1 parsing.
    Class to construct AST for ASN.1 Specifications
    Enumeration to manage Productions known to the AstParser
    Wrapper class for all ASN.1 values.
    Class to represent an ASN.1 BitString
    Class to manage an BMP (Basic Multilingual Plan) String
    ASN.1 Boolean value
    Class to manage an Enumerated Value
    Class to represent a Generalized Time Value
    Class to manage an IA5 (ASCII) String
    ASN.1 Integer value (<64 bits)
    Class to hold a large (>64 bit) Integer
    Class to hold a NO-OP ([UNIVERSAL 0](Primitive) value
    ASN.1 Null value
    Class to manage a Numeric String
    Class to wrap an ASN.1 Octet String
    Class to represent an OID value
    Class to manage a printable String
    Wrapper class for ASN.1 real values
    Class to pack a relative OID
    Class to wrap an ASN1 Sequence value
    Class to manage a set of value
    Class to manage a symbol
    Class to manage a symbol table
    Enumeration to handle ASN.1 Tags
    Enumeration to handle Tag Classes
    Class to represent a tag context for context sensitive tags
    A tag context defines the <tagNumber,tag> mapping for context sensitive tags used for encoding or decoding BER when IMPLICIT or AUTO tag definitions are being used.
    Enumeration to handle Tag Encoding Flag
    Class to manage a tagged value
    Class to represent a lexical token
    Class to break input into tokens
    Reserved keywords known in ASN.1 Rec.
    Class to represent a UTC Time String
    Class to manage a UTF-8 String This non-normative example demonstrates using SmtpUTF8Mailbox as an otherName in GeneralName to encode the email address "".
    Class to wrap an ASN.1 Visible String